Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is a procedure used to rejuvenate the appearance, texture and glow of the facial skin. Certain peels can be useful for treating pigmentation changes. Tri-chloro-acetic (TCA), Glycolic or fruits acids are most commonly used. The peels may be used in a variety of strengths and is individualized for each patient.

A course of 6-8 treatments, 1-1.5 months apart may be necessary to achieve the maximum effect. The skin sometimes requires pre-conditioning prior to a peel but this is not always indicated. It is most useful to treat fine lines on the lower eyelid or around the lip.

The procedure

It can be done as an office procedure. You will experience a burning sensation of the skin afterwards that can easily be controlled if necessary with oral medication. Cold compresses are necessary or water spraying for the first 24 hours after the treatment.


A bacterial or viral infection of the treated areas can occur but is rare. All areas of irregular pigmentation or color changes may not be corrected completely especially after one treatment.

After the treatment

Depending on the type and strength of the peel the skin will recover between 24 hours (very mild glycolic acid peel) and up to 7 days (strong TCA peel).

An antibiotic ointment is normally applied for the first 48 hours after a peel. Once all the crusting of the skin is gone the redness will start to fade and usually completely fade within 2-3 weeks.

Protection of the skin against sun for the first 3 months after the treatment is essential.