Chin Implant

It is always important to judge the chin in relation to the forehead, nose and upper jaws. An assessment of the relationship between the upper and lower teeth also important.

A chin implant can improve the appearance in certain cases but sometimes it may be better to move a part of the jawbone forward by an oral maxillofacial surgeon. The implant can be made from a variety of materials and is normally anatomically shaped to fit the lower jaw without producing a step.

The surgery

An incision is normally made under a general anaesthetic in the inside of the mouth between the teeth and the lower lip and a pocket created to fit the implant. It can be performed as a day case, you will be able to leave the hospital 12 hours postoperatively. Pain is moderate and can be adequately controlled by oral medication.


Infection is a small possibility and can be prevented by oral antibiotics. You will have small soft stitches on the inside of the mouth and oral hygiene is important to prevent infection. The lower lip may be numb for a period of up to 6 months, but will normally recover. The implant may move but this possibility decreases with time. You’re advised to avoid very hard food for about 6 weeks. Swelling and bruising are normally minimal.