Non-operative therapies

Below you may find a list of non-operative private office therapies. All sketches appearing in this site are original artworks of Thanassis Nounis, based on real photos of my patients.

Non operative face rejuvenation ( Botox , Hyaluronic Acid, Thread Lift )

BOTOX Introduction Botulotoxin type A has been used in medicine for the...

Laser treatments (hair removal, freckles, face resurfacing, vascular malformations, tattoo, skin lesion’ removal )

Laser Treatments – Hair Removal Introduction Laser hair removal works by directing...

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is a procedure used to rejuvenate the appearance, texture and...


Micro-dermabrasion by roller can be used for smoothening of atrophic scars (e.g....

Keloid and hypertrophic scars

KELOIDS & HYPERTROPHIC SCARS For the keloid treatment the surgeon uses the...